• purnima.rajiv85@gmail.com
  • rajiv.purnima85@gmail.com
  • +91 94519 76242
  • +91 78383 77335
  • +91 94152 82511

About Us

About Us

Dr. Purnima Shukla

Dr. Purnima Shukla, presently working as consultant (H) in H.T. C., Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi, is a graduate from National Homoeopathic Medical College, Lucknow, M.D. & Ph.D.(Homoeo) from Jaipur Homoeopathy University & M.B.A. in health care administration from F.M.S. Delhi University with experience of more than 39 years in classical homoeopathy.

She has unquenchable thirst for research in the specified field of female diseases including breast ailments which are well reflected by her more than 35 research presentations and publications. She travelled more than 20 countries & delivered guest lectures for upliftment of evidence based research work in Homeopathy. She has participated in various National & International conferences and CMEs, and chaired the sessions in India and abroad. She has also organized conferences, public awareness programs & Government sponsored workshops along with participation in drug proving programs organized by CCRH.

She is author in the book entitled as “Healthy life in platinum years of life and thereafter” for the chapter “Preventive and curative Homoeopathic care for senior citizen” published by CSIR pensioner’s welfare association.

She also served as a nominated member of Ethical committee, CCRH, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. She was also Member, Editorial Board, Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy (IJRH), an official, peer reviewed, online publication of Govt. of India She also worked as Project Officer, in research projects on Encephalitis going on at BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy. She also worked as principal investigator in Central Govt. funded project “Benign neoplastic lesions of breast and its homoeopathic management” in collaboration with B.R.D. Medical college, Gorakhpur (U.P.).

She is also Life member of various organizations like LIGA, AHML, HMAI and also served as a member of working group of scientific committee of International chapter and member of the Executive Committee, LMHI Indian Chapter, Her effort by these academic activities is always to bring Homoeopathy in the main stream of scientific research by way of evidences obtained by pathological and radio-diagnostic tools with a main focus on Holistic approach while dealing with ailing humanity.


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Why Choose Us

At Purti Homeopathic Clinic & Holistic Medical Care Center, we stand as a distinguished destination for those seeking genuine healing through the power of homeopathy. Our clinic embraces a holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing that true wellness extends beyond physical ailments to encompass mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Our commitment to nurturing a compassionate and supportive healing environment sets us apart. We believe in fostering a strong patient-practitioner relationship, where trust and open communication flourish. Through this empathetic bond, we empower you to actively participate in your healing journey and make informed decisions for your well-being.

Our clinic upholds the principles of homeopathy, which is founded on the concept of stimulating the body's innate healing abilities. We strive to provide safe, natural, and non-invasive remedies that promote long-lasting health improvements, without causing undesirable side effects.

At Purti Homeopathic Clinic & Holistic Medical Care Center, we believe in restoring balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. By choosing us, you entrust your health to a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about guiding you towards a path of holistic wellness and vitality.


What Our Patients Are Saying


Frequently Asked Questions

At Purti, we embrace a holistic approach to healthcare that considers the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Our personalized care, compassionate practitioners, and focus on natural healing set us apart as a haven for genuine wellness seekers.

Yes, absolutely! Homeopathy is a gentle and safe healing system suitable for people of all ages. From newborns to seniors, our tailored remedies ensure optimal healing without the risk of adverse reactions.

At Purti, we provide a warm and nurturing environment where you are seen as a whole person, not just a set of symptoms. Our integrative approach combines the best of homeopathy and holistic medicine to deliver comprehensive care.

Homeopathy can be a part of a holistic weight management approach by addressing underlying imbalances, improving metabolism, and promoting overall well-being. However, it's important to note that homeopathic remedies alone are not a substitute for a healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications. Homeopathic remedies like Calcarea carbonica, Natrum muriaticum, and Lycopodium are often used based on individual symptoms and constitutional types.

We respect your current medical choices and will collaborate with you to find the best path forward. Our practitioners work in tandem with your existing treatments to promote holistic healing and support your overall health journey.

The time it takes to see results with homeopathic treatments for attractiveness can vary depending on various factors such as the individual's overall health, the severity of the condition, and the response to the prescribed remedy. Some individuals may experience noticeable improvements within weeks, while others may require longer periods of treatment. Consistency with treatment and regular follow-ups with a qualified homeopathic practitioner are essential for monitoring progress.